The albino guppy is a color form (or lack thereof) that is either loved or hated. An albino guppy is not truly devoid of color. As in all true albinos, this iris of the eye is red.
This is an Albino Guppy!
Pink Flamingo Guppy!
The pink flamingo guppy is very similar in appearance to the albino guppy The pink flamingo has pigmentation. This characterized by the black in the eyes as well as the black variegation i the tail.
Further augmenting this guppy’s features is a nice flowing delta tail. The pink flamingo, with its stunning red features on a cream body, is a very pleasant looking fish!
This Is a PInk Flamingo
It is hard to find guppies with true solid coloration throughout their entire body such as the case with bettas. Instead what you will find is a fish that has a body and tail color that is predonminantly the same. Often you will find that solids will still have scales outlined in black while the fish’s hue shines through. The tail is generally more solid than the body, though it can have strands of black or another color. Solid colorations can inlude: blue, black, yellow, red, and most stunning, the green.
This is a Solid!
Essentially a half-color guppy that has two separate colors; the tail is one color while the body is another. Actually, however, this is not completely true. The half colors you see often have a tail that is of one solid coloration while the body is mixed coloration of which one color is predoninant. Additionally, you will see that in the half-colors the dorsal fin will be solid and the same color as the tail fin.
This is a Half Black and Blue Guppy
English Lace!
An English lace guppy is usually a guppy with a solid colored body with a symmetrical dotted pattern through the tail. More often then not, English lace guppy is of the blue variety . It’s body is usually black or dark blue, maybe even white with a blue hue, while the tail is variegated(having discrete markings of different colors) with speckles of orange, blue and/or white.
Why they refer to this type of guppy as a snakeskin, we haven’t figured out yet. While it does have a distinct body pattern, which snake it mimics is still a mystery. Nevertheless this guppy type is one of the extreme popularity in the hobby. There are various color forms available in the snakeskin guppy. The most prevalent are the yellow, red, blue, and green. For some reason I find all of the guppies of the green variety the most pleasing. Unlike the English lace variety the markings on the tail of a snakeskin are completely asymmetrical. So too, with the body. You will often find in the snakeskin that there are traces of red and silver through out the body. The markings, though, are not random, appearing as irregular blotches or spots as with many of the wild varieties of guppies. Moreso, you have an almost psychedelic pattern weaving its way across the fish’s body. This pattern can be presents on the fish’s body along with a solid tail. Otherwise the pattern can proliferate itself throughout the entire body.
As it might sound the jadehead is a guppy variety with a jade-colored(dark green) head. The Posterior of the jadehead is black through to the base if the caudal(tail) fin. The tail fin is green with a snakeskin pattern. Proper breeding of a jadehead can turn out quite majestic looking fish.
This Is a Jadeheaad
Green cobra
Obviously this is going to a green guppy. a good green Cobra will have an emerald green body and a tail that is variegrated with a yellow tint.
This Is a Green Cobra
Spanish Dancer
Also Referred to as a Spanish skirt, this variety of guppy is particularly distinguished by its tail. While the body color is somewhat nondescript, the tail can be said to be similar to the flashy Spanish dresses worn by flamenco dancers. in semicircles of alternating strips of orange and blue , the tail if of the Spanish dancer highlights itself among any other guppy variety.
This is a Spanish Dancer
Variegated Guppy!
This term could be relegated to almost any guppy not falling into a particular category. Giving the vast differentiations possible within the guppy, it is certainly possible to throw an oddball out there. When this oddball guppy has its traits fixed via sunsequent propagation it earns itself a specific name designation.
This is a variegrated guppy.
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